quarta-feira, janeiro 31, 2007

Uma Lição

"Team Hoyt is a father (Dick Hoyt) and son (Rick Hoyt, b. 1962) in Massachusetts who compete together in marathons, triathlons, and other athletic endeavors. Rick was disabled at birth by a loss of oxygen to his brain because his umbilical cord was wrapped around his neck, and he also suffers from cerebral palsy. Dick carries him in a special seat up front as they bike, pulls him in a special boat as they swim, and pushes him in a special wheelchair as they run."

Prova de triatlo Iron Man:

3,8 km de natação;
180 km de ciclismo;
42,2 km de corrida

When asked what one thing Rick wished he could give his father, his reply was:

"The thing I'd most like is that my dad would sit in the chair and I would push him once."

Haja muita força de vontade e dedicação.
Simplesmente sem palavras

2 - "xinaMen"! Tantos comentários:

João disse...

Sem dúvida que é um post muito construtivista. Parabéns!

Taxa disse...

Só quem tem um filho consegue compreender realmente o que isto significa...Fabuloso!